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Our Mission

Music and arts bring great benefits to our lives. They lead to happiness and harmony, improve visual and verbal skills, enhance abstract and spatial-temporal reasoning skills, and are the keys to creativity and innovation. The education of music and arts strengthens quick and decisive thinking, enhances aural, visual, memory and language skills, collaboration and communication skills as well as teamwork abilities and discipline. Among many other benefits, music and arts facilitate cross-cultural understanding, strengthen perseverance, increase the capacity for leadership and foster a creative community.


The World Organization for Music and Arts Education aims to contribute to music and arts education around the world. Continuously developing the capacities of music and arts education and meeting the growing needs of such education in metropolitan areas as well as rural regions and developing countries are the organization’s goals.


Supporting the development in Music and Arts Education in rural regions and developing countries is one of the key points of The World Organization for Music and Arts Education. Inviting world-renowned music and art experts, top artists, excellent teachers and educators to participate at different projects and spread their knowledges in form of workshops, seminars, training courses should be kinds of ways approaching this important goal.


With the rising challenges of globalization and an increasing number of conflicts, communication between nations has never been as important as in the rapidly changing world of today. Cultural and artistic exchange activities have proven to be the best method to achieve tolerance and understanding between nations. The World Organization for Music and Arts Education initiates and supports cross-boundary activities in music, performing arts, fine arts, applied arts, arts of various audio and visual kinds. Festivals, concerts, show cases, exhibitions, workshops and seminars, exchanging activities improve the cross-cultural understanding of the young generation and bridge the gap between people of different nationalities. They are some of the useful forms and ways leading to reach the goals of The World Organization for Music and Arts Education.

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